Allow me to introduce myself.

Just like most teenagers, I spend the majority of my time on social media. I’ve scrolled through thousands of blogger feeds over time and never had the urge to follow any of them. Why? Because each fashion blogger and their photos are exactly the same. The same outfits, the same favorite products, and the same photos and feed.

Then, naturally, I had to stalk my own feed where I was hit with reality: my blog was exactly the same as the thousands of ones I’ve looked at before. Whoops. The Queen of the Closet has ZERO personality. Its just clothes and pictures. A reader (excuse me, “viewer” because I’ve too lazy to write anything in my posts) definitely could not tell me apart from any other blogger grazing their feed. 
I gotta change that. Because, if I’m being honest, I think I’m pretty awesome and thats not coming across in my posts. I don’t mean to be conceded, but I have so many cool things going on in my life and with my “basic blogger” model, readers don’t know anything about me. 

Allow me to introduce myself.

I’m Caroline P Voigt and I’m 17 years old. I do not own sweatpants and have not worn the same outfit twice to school since seventh grade. I’ve been told I dress like a mom, and am always mistaken for one. I hate healthy foods. I love coloring. I hate boring people. I love gangsta rap. Welcome to The Queen of the Closet. I will now not only be sharing my outfits, but my life as well. I hope you stick around.
