Where I've Been

You might have noticed I haven't been as active on social media or this blog recently. I've been really busy with the start of senior year with everything from Cross Country season to applying to college.

Cross country season is FINALLY over. "The End of an Error". I hated every second of running but I am extremely proud I made it through 4 YEARS. Wow. 

Halloween happened. This was my backup "Flapper from Gatsby" costume that wasn't even mine. I always reserve a friends costume from the previous year just in case I can't come up with a good one myself. Safe to say that I've worn my backup costume every single year.

Fall means football season (go rams). There isn't really any meaning behind this picture, but I had to save it somewhere and there is nowhere else it seems to fit.

I haven't forgot about BEAN BOOT SEASON!!!!!! Fall fashion is my favorite. Spring and summer are about trying not to overheat, but fall is about actually looking good. Expect a lot of outfit posts.
